Shareholder Yield ETF (MYLD) - Premium/Discount

Data as of:

NAV Closing Price Premium/Discount


Historical Premium/Discount



Days at premium
Days at zero premium/discount
Days at discount


The exchange-traded fund's median bid-ask spread is rounded to the nearest hundredth and computed by (1) identifying the exchange-traded fund's national best bid and national best offer as of the end of each 10 second interval during each trading day of the last 30 calendar days, (2) dividing the difference between each such bid and offer by the midpoint of the national best bid and national best offer, and (3) identifying the median of those values.

To determine if this Fund is an appropriate investment for you, carefully consider the Fund's investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expense before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund's full or summary prospectus which may be obtained by calling 855-383-4636 (ETF INFO) or visiting our website at Read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

The Cambria ETFs are distributed by ALPS Distributors Inc., 1290 Broadway, Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80203, which is not affiliated with Cambria Investment Management, LP, the Investment Adviser for the Fund.

Investing involves risk, including potential loss of capital.

MYLD: This fund is new and has a limited operating history. There is no guarantee that a Fund will achieve its investment goal. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. High yielding stocks are often speculative, high-risk investments. The underlying holdings of the Funds may be leveraged, which will expose the holding to higher volatility and may accelerate the impact of any losses. These companies can be paying out more than they can support and may reduce their dividends or stop paying dividends at any time, which could have a material adverse effect on the stock price of these companies and the Fund’s performance. Narrowly focused funds typically exhibit higher volatility. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid. Diversification may not protect against market losses.

MYLD is actively managed.